\n \n
1) What is CPT an abbreviation for?*
\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 2) Which ICD-10 code section is used to describe injuries?*
2 points
\n \n V
\n W
\n X
\n Y
\n All of the above\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 3) If you were sending a claim for an oral surgeon who removed impacted wisdom\n teeth in his office under IV sedation, what place of service would you list on the claim?*
2 points
\n \n 11\n
\n 21
\n 23
\n 50\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 4) What does SOAP stand for?*
2 points
\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 5) At what point should you followup on a submitted claim? *
2 points
\n \n 5 business days
\n 14 business days\n
\n 30 business days
\n 45 days\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 6) In what scenario would you use modifier 25?*
2 points
\n \n Unrelated E&M Service, Same Physician, During Postoperative Period
\n Unusual Anesthesia
\n Unusual Procedural Services
\n Separately Identifiable E&M Svc by the Same Physician on the Same Day of
Procedure or Other Svc
\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 7) When would it be appropriate to use Modifier 47?*
2 points
\n \n Bilateral Procedure
\n Multiple Procedures
\n Anesthesia by Surgeon\n
\n None of the above\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 8) Which modifier signifies multiple procedures?*
2 points
\n \n 26
\n 50
\n 51
\n 59\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 9) In what scenario would use you use modifier KX?*
2 points
\n \n When a DME appliance is supplied by a Medicare provider.
\n To indicate that coverage criteria is met and that documentation exists to support
the medical\n necessity DME appliance.
\n To indicate that a DME appliance was purchased.
\n None of the above.\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 10) A claim for extraction and implants was denied for lack of medical necessity. The\n patient had oral cancer and teeth were extracted at the request of the\n oncology/primary care team before chemo/radiation treatments were started. What\n types of information could you use to try to appeal this for the patient to obtain\n coverage? (check all that apply)*
2 points
\n \n Referral from the oncologist\n
\n Intraoral photos\n
\n Xrays\n
\n Treatment notes from oncology\n \n
\n \n
\n\n \n
\n 11) Assign the appropriate CPT code(s) to this visit: Patient of Dr Smith's presents to\n office with broken tooth on #5, patient states that she has always had weak enamel\n and has complete upper arch crowned to keep teeth from breaking. Patient said she\n was eating a sandwich and tooth broke in half. Upon xray, tooth is not able to be\n restored. Implant placement and bone grafting done today. CBCT scan was taken to\n determine sinus and TM J positioning. Due to unique root angle and what looks to be\n abscess around root, significant Grafting will need to be placed in the future to allow\n for correct occlusion. Patient has history of ADHD and anxiety this could all be a\n reasoning of broken teeth. Next visit: TMD, TMJ evaluation.*
5 points
\n \n 99201,21248,70310
\n 99241,21210,70486
\n 21210,70310,D6010,99213
\n 21248,21210,70486,99241\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n
5 points
\n \n K05.6,K08.429,Z86.03,Z92.3
\n K08.499,K05.6,Z85.9,Z92.3\n
\n Z92.3,K08.499
\n K03.6,K08.429,Z92.3\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 13) Assign the appropriate CPT code(s) to this visit: OMS: This is a 70 yo woman\n referred for ext of #20 after pain in the area. There is no referral note on record. Pt\n has been troubled by pain inn the area for several years and has had 18 and 19 ext'd in\n the past. Pt has had three implant placed and excision of a lingual carcinoma (-2008)\n bot no RT,chemo or neck dissection. She has a 20 pack-year hx of smoking and\n drinks ETOH on a daily basis. She would like implant in the LLQ. PMH: left ventral\n carcinoma of the tongue, Lyme disease, s/p TAH, s/p wrist surgery, s/p bilateral ACL\n repairs, anemai,arthritis,glaucoma, (+) bruxism Meds: amlodipine,lrbesartant\n atorvastatin, spironolactone, Ziaptan (ophthalmologic) All: NKDA SH: d/c'd smoking\n year ago, daily ETOH PE: 132/59, 61, 98% healed scar of left ventral tongue linear flat\n hyperkeratotic appearing area w/ poorly defined surrounding region of erythema of\n the right ventral tongue (〜16mm x 3 mm) no cervical adenopathy crowned #20 s/p\n RCT Assess: 1. hyperkeratotic region of right tongue 2. failing #20 Plan: 1. Incisional bx\n 2. Extract 20 and place xenograft Proc: 4 % Septo/epi x 5.1 mL 1. Surg ext of 20 by\n MPF, elevation, forceps. Debrided. Placed Bio-Oss and Bio-Gide membrane closed w/\n 3-0 GS 2. Incisional tongue bx by use of tenting BSS. Ellipitical incision. Undermined\n ST and delivered for histopath to ECHN. Closed w/ 4-0 CGS. POIG. F/U in 7-10 d. Rxs\n on file. Counseled re. use of opioids and advised pt to d/c T-3. ADA CODE(S) BILLED\n BY THE OFFICE: D7286 - LR*
5 points
\n \n 41899,21215,41870,41100\n
\n 41899,21210
\n 41899,41870
\n 21215,41100\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 14) Assign the appropriate ICD-10 code(s) to this visit: Patient has severe\n claustrophobia and is not a candidate for Cpap treatment. She needs a custom fit\n appliance for her sleep apnea. Patient's sleep study indicates an RDI of 20 with an 02\n saturation below 90% for at least 70 minutes of the study. Pt has history of neck\n trauma, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. CODE(S) BILLED BY THE\n OFFICE: E0486*
5 points
\n \n G47.33,F40.240,I10,E11.9
\n G47.33,F40.240,I10,E11.9,E78.49\n
\n G47.33,F40.240,E11.9,E78.49
\n G47.33.I10.E11.9\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 15) Assign the appropriate CPT and ICD-10 code(s) to this visit: Patient was diagnosed\n with periodontal disease in 2007 was under the care of Dr. X Periodontist. Patient was\n seen by Dr. Y where he was seen under general care,where they diagnosed him with\n severe periodontal disease. On 8/10/2017 Patient was diagnosed from Dr. X's office\n with extreme periodontal disease with class two mobility extracted 18 and 19. On\n 8/14/2017 We extracted 5,6,7,9,10,11,13, 20, 21, 22, and 27. Patient was referred by Dr. X\n for sinus augmentation, implant placement f\n bone grafting and complete hybrid\n zirconium restorations DOs 9-20-2017 CBCT taken to measure bone density, with of\n ridge and length of bone from sinus to maxillary palate. Patient presents with an\n upper right and left sinus lift with bone grafting due to loss of ridge and unstable\n bone due to missing teeth. Sinus was lifted and grafted from 3mm to > 8MM of bone.\n implants were placed in sites Tooth #:6,8,9,11 24,25,19,30 Bone grafted into sites\n 6,8,9,11,24,25,19,30. Additional bone was placed in site 26 and 23 due to missing bone\n ridge. ADA C〇DE(S) BILLED BY THE OFFICE: D0367, D7953 x 10 units, D6010 x 8 units,\n D9241 x 2 units, D7952*
8 points
\n \n CPT: 21210, 21248, 70486, 99152, 99153 ICD: K05.323, K08.429
\n CPT: 21210, 21215, 70486, 99152, 99153 ICD: K05.322, K08.429
\n CPT: 21210, 21215, 21248, 70486, 99152,99153 ICD: K05.323, K08.424
\n CPT: 21210, 21215, 21248, 70486, 99152,99153 ICD: K05.323, K08.429\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 16) Assign the appropriate CPT and ICD-10 code(s) to this visit: Patient came in today\n as a new patient He said he thinks he is having TMJ issues. Pt said it has not always\n happened it has started about a month ago. He said there is clicking and popping on\n both sides. He said there is pain associated with it as well. The pain is more on the\n right side than the let side. I took a CBCT scan of pt. Dr. X came in and spoke with pt\n she informed him that on the right side that the click is going forward and popping\n back in place. It looks also causing arthritic changes on pts left side. Dr. X suggested\n to pt that he go to an ENT Dr for his sinuses. There is nasal blockage on the left side\n and has mucus building up on the right side. She also let pt know that he has a\n deviated septum he said he is aware that his nose was broken back in high school. Dr.\n X went over the de flame diet with pt he got a copy of that as well as tmj information.\n We gave pt referral forms for the ent as well as a sleep study. Splint is for upper and\n lower arch. ADA CODE(S) BILLED BY THE OFFICE: D7880\n *
5 points
\n \n CPT: 21085 ICD: M26.603, M26.623, R68.84, J34.2
\n CPT: S8262 ICD: M26.603, M26.623, R68.84
\n CPT: 21089 ICD: M26.603, M26.623, R68.84, J34.2 \n
\n CPT: 21085 ICD: M26.603, M26.623, R68.84\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 17) Assign the appropriate CPT code(s) to this visit: PT. REPORTS FOR 6 MTH RECARE/\n EXAM APPT. PT CONSENTS TO TREATMENT TODAY CC TODAY: Pt states she catches\n food between #18 and #19 (fillings done 5/2015) MED HX UPDATED: No changes per\n pt. TMJ; Deviates to left upon opening ROM: WNL MEDIAL PTERYGOIDS: Tender all\n muscles bilat. MASSETER: Tender masseters, insert,temporalis. E〇E: WNUOE: MP 1.\n Class I bilat. Bilat mand tori. A: PERIO DX Type I stable DIAGNOSIS: Myalgia and\n arthralgia,tender all muscles. #9- ML chip. #10- MF chip. #19- Fx off DB cusp,open\n contact, defective restoration. ADA CODE(S) BILLED BY THE OFFICE: D7880r\n D0120,D0470, D0367.\n *
5 points
\n \n CPT: 21089, 99213, 70486 ICD: M26.623, R68.84, M26.53, M26.603
\n CPT: 21089, 99213, A4580, 70486 ICD: M26.623, R68.84, M26.53, M26.603\n
\n CPT: 21085, 99213, A4580, 70486 ICD: M26.623, R68.84, M26.53, M26.603
\n CPT: 21085, 99212, A4580, 70486 ICD: M26.623, R68.84, M26.53, M26.603\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 18) Assign the appropriate procedure code(s) to this visit: Patient has a long history of\n has been given multiple medications for migraines with no relief. Patient has used\n Botox in the past to help with symptoms of migraines and they have reported they\n experienced significant improvement. Administered 100 units of Botox (20 R\n temporalis, 20 L temporalis, 30 R masseter, 30 L masseter).\n *
5 points
\n \n J0585
\n 64615, J0585\n
\n J0586
\n Q2040\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 19) ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes can appear together on the same claim\n *
2 points
\n \n True
\n False\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 20) ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes can appear together on the same claim\n *
2 points
\n \n True\n
\n False\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 21) What is the medical crosscode for D7240?\n *
2 points
\n \n 41899
\n D7240
\n 21210
\n Either D7240 or 41899 can be appropriate, depending on the payer.\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 22) When can a consultation be charged?\n *
2 points
\n \n If the Dr spends more than 10 minutes with the patient
\n If there is a referring Dr\n
\n Anytime the Dr sees a patient
\n If a prescription is given to the patient\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 23) What type of codes are submitted for drugs, DME equipment and dental codes\n that don't have an appropriate cross code?\n *
2 points
\n \n HIPPS
\n CPT
\n HCPCS\n
\n RVU\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 24) A patient can submit a claim directly to Medicare if the dentist is not enrolled with them.\n *
2 points
\n \n True\n
\n False\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 25) Should you submit to dental or medical insurance first?\n *
2 points
\n \n Dental first, then Medical
\n Medical first, then Dental\n
\n Send to Medical and Dental consecutively
\n It doesn't matter, it's the Dr's choice.\n \n \n
\n\n \n
\n 26) What should be added to the claim when there is an anesthesia code? (select all\n that apply)\n *
3 points
\n \n The patient's blood pressure & pulse
\n Anesthesia start & stop times\n
\n List of medications used
\n Anesthesia modifiers\n \n
\n \n
\n \n Submit\n Cancel\n